









Sekilas Tentang BIOLOGI


Department of Biology was historically formed from the integration of Botany Division, Faculty of Agriculture and Zoology Division, Faculty of Veterinary, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The establishment of Department of Biology was together with the establishment of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Rector of IPB decree with formal letter No. 121/1982 on 29 December 1982 and Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia with formal letter No. 0546/O/1983 on 8 December 1983. The most recent license to held bachelor and postgraduate degrees is letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education No. 151/DIKTI/KEP/2007.

Based on decree of IPB Rector No. 001/K13/PP/2005, the Department of Biology IPB has a mandate to develop basic science and technology in the field of biology that underlies the management and development of biodiversity and the environment. Therefore, the goal is to produce a Bachelor of Science on Biology with competences: "Being able to identify the diversity of living things and able to explain the processes that lead to their biodiversity and response to the environment, and being able to utilize the basic techniques of biology and biotechnology to manage, utilize, and develop biodiversity and the environment".

Department of Biology has held Biology Study Program for Bachelor degree (S1) since academic year 1981/1982, and the first graduation of Bachelor degree was in December 1984. The department also held postgraduate program for Master (S2) and Doctoral (S3) degree. There are three study programs of Master degree i.e. Microbiology, Plant Biology, and Animal Biosciences; and also three study programs of Doctoral degree (S3) i.e. Microbiology, Biology Plant, and Animal Biosciences. All seven study programs at the Department of Biology are accredited “A” (Excellent) by The National Accreditation Council of Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (BAN-PT).

The department also develops and implements research and community services on biological science areas. Since its establishment, the department always follows current higher education policy in Indonesia. In new paradigm of higher education management, sustainable self-evaluation has to be implemented with high commitment for the quality improvement to achieve the goals of education. Targeting undergraduate program of Biology is referred to the Rector's decrees No. 005/I3/OT/2008 and 006/I3/OT/2008 about quality goals and IPB Quality Assurance System, respectively. Both decrees are compiled and described the Standards and Quality Assurance System of Bachelor degree programs at Bogor Agricultural University.


Teaching Lab
  • Bio 1                
  • Bio 2                
  • Bio 3                
  • Bio 4                
  • Bio 5
  • Tissue Culture Teaching Lab    
  • Basic Biology Lab (at CCR Teaching Lab Building)                
Research Lab
  • Research Lab for Herbarium and Plant Taxonomy            
  • Research Lab for Micro Technique and Plant Anatomy    
  • Research Lab for Animal Function            
  • Integrated Reserch Lab
  • Research Lab for Tissue Culture                
  • Research Lab for Microbiology    
  • Research Lab for Mycology    
  • Research Lab for Plant Physiology            
  • IPB Culture Collection        
  • Research Lab for Animal Biosystematics & Ecology    
  • Research Lab for Animal Biotechnology and Biomedic (at PPSHB Building)            
  • Research Lab for Tissue Culture (at PPSHB Building)    
  • Biotechnology Research Indonesian-The Netherlands (BIORIN) lab (at PPSHB Building)    

Each labs equipped with common lab equipment or facilities such as workbench, lab stool, washing stand, cabinet, student locker, desk, chair, instrument cabinet, glass apparatus, and whiteboard. Air conditioner devices also installed in each labs. Research labs equiped with special instruments needed by user who conduct their research there.

Other Facilities

WiFi Access, Management room, Laboratory assistant/techinician room, Storage room, Student toilet, Kitchen, Pray room, Greenhouse, Mushroom house, Student reading room, Biology seminar room, and Student club room.

IPB Facilities

Some facilities are managed by IPB, such as, University Farm, IPB Central Library, IPB computer room, Polyclinic, Cafetaria, Field station, Language training unit, Bicycle shelter, Campus Bus, Sport facilities, and Student Dormitory

Development plan

Based on IPB building master plan, Department of Biology planned to have a new building that will be completed in December 2015. The building will accommodate the needs of current academic activities. This development is to get better quality in academic atmosphere and services, research facilities and activities, in following the current development of biological sciences knowledge and research trend. As part of development, a new auditorium (FMIPA) is also planned to be built. The auditorium will be used as a common place for gathering, student lecture, stage performance, or special event such as seminar event.

In 2017, the new building of the Department has been built next to Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, the FMIPA Auditorium, and the Department of Chemistry building. The academic and research activity in the Department is centered and easily accessible in the new building.




Akreditasi A BAN PT (1387/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2018, valid until 2023-05-30)

Asean University Network-Quality Assurance - AUN QA Certified

Sertifikasi SNI ISO 9001:2015 Proses Layanan Administrasi Akademik dan Proses Pembelajaran


Pada tahun 2022 Departemen Biologi menjadi unit pengelola pendidikan sarjana terkemuka di bidang biologi dengan titik berat pada biosains tropika yang dapat menjadi rujukan bagi mahasiswa, peneliti, lembaga-lembaga terkait, dan masyarakat luas di tingkat nasional dan internasional

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan sarjana di bidang biologi khususnya biosains tropika yang akuntable, berkualitas, dan diakui secara nasional dan internasional
  2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian di bidang biologi khususnya biosains tropika untuk menghasilkan sains dan inovasi yang berkonstribusi secara nyata dalam pengembangan bioasains dan kesejahteraan bangsa
  3. Melakukan kerjasama dengan para pemangku kepentingan dan berbagai institusi baik dalam maupun luar negeri untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan penelitian yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing tinggi
  4. Melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat  dengan memanfaatkan hasil-hasil penelitian 


  1. Menghasilkan Sarjana Biologi yang berakhlak mulia, profesional, dan berdaya saing tinggi melalui penciptaan suasana akademik yang kondusif bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan pendidikan yang berkualitas
  2. Mengembangkan pengetahuan Biologi, khususnya Biosains Tropika, yang teruji dan dikenal oleh masyarakat ilmiah baik nasional maupun internasional melalui pelaksanaan penelitian dan publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian pada jurnal nasional dan internasional
  3. Memanfaatkan hasil-hasil penelitian di bidang biologi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat

Capaian Pembelajaran

  1. Mampu mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis informasi dan data, dan mampu memberikan petunjuk dalam memilih berbagai alternatif solusi secara mandiri dan kelompok di bidang biodiversitas, lingkungan, dan bioteknologi.
  2. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang biologi secara umum dan konsep teoritis di bidang biodiversitas, lingkungan dan bioteknologi secara mendalam serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural.
  3. Mampu mengaplikasikan keahlian biologi dan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dalam penyelesaian masalah di bidang biodiversitas, lingkungan, bioteknologi serta mampu beradaptasi terhadap situasi yang dihadapi.
  4. Bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan sendiri di bidang Biologi dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasinya.
  5. Mampu mengevaluasi diri, mengelola pembelajaran diri sendiri, secara efektif mengkomunikasikan informasi dan ide dalam berbagai bentuk media yang sesuai keperluannya.
Kompetensi Lulusan
  1. Mampu mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman makhluk hidup dan mampu menjelaskan proses-proses terjadinya keanekaragaman hayati dan responnya terhadap lingkungan
  2. Mampu memanfaatkan teknik dasar biologi dan bioteknologi untuk mengelola, memanfaatkan, dan mengembangkan biodiversitas dan lingkungan.

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